Good question got asked today about robot wires at the track meet events. A lot of the events require the robot to start between a front and back line. Since the wires are part of the robot then they would be included in the definition of having to be inside the robot boundaries. Can you use elastics to bind them up? You could definitely use LEGO elastics, which come with a lot of the kits. But I'm going to go one step farther. IF the wires are NON-FUNCTIONAL, then you can use non-LEGO elastics to keep them out of the way. NON-FUNCTIONAL means they add NO benefit what-so-ever to the robot. They aren't being used to attach the strongest cart to your robot; they aren't hitting (on accident or purpose) any of the cans on the Table Clearing event; etc. If the wires are FUNCTIONAL, they really need to be inside the space and bound up with LEGO elastics (if needed). If the wires are NON-FUNCTIONAL, they can be tied up with regular classroom elastics and may even stick out over the borders/boundaries... Good luck and keep those batteries charged.
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